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Old 08-17-2012, 10:41 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Posts: 173

Bumble's hearing is just fine. It is the white gene linked with the blue eyed gene that tends to make cats deaf. That being said, all cats have selective hearing....they only ever hear what they want to anyhow.

As for the "Bumbles bounce" reference....Yes, the kitten was named after Bumble, the abominable snow monster in the Rudolph cartoon.

Bumble had his first vet checkup yesterday. He is healthy but underweight. 2 lbs 2 ounces. He should be 3lbs or more at his age. Since he is eating and drinking good, fattening him up shouldn't be a problem.

He is a very happy kitten. If he is awake he is purring. If someone is petting him, he is purring even louder. Right now he seems to have no interest in playing, he is very interested in exploring the house tho. I am having a hard time keeping an eye on him, he keeps escaping the room that I want him to stay in.

Even though we thought a lot about it, we have not gone to adopt his brother. This one is going to be enough of a handful I suspect. Also, here in our city we are allowed to have 3 cats. Any more than that and we need to apply for a fanciers license. Normally, I would say this isn't even something that the city will know about since they are indoor cats. But....all 3 of my kitties have come from the animal shelter, we are in the computer and they know about all 3. Funny part is that the city doesn't know about my outside feral cat that lives 24/7 on my patio (She is a totally different story), and her 2 feral boyfriends that show up here every night Don't worry folks, all my ferals have been fixed and have had their shots!
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