Old 08-18-2012, 09:23 AM
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 854

Originally Posted by Anastasia
My pal hasn't posted on here once that I'm aware of. I really hope she does when she gets her package, which I hope will be early to mid next week. It's already been ... ok well it's technically been 5 days because I brought it in late saturday last week. Since it's international, can't track it so I have no idea where it is. I hope she likes ittttt...

Oh goodie I got a message from her today saying she got it a few days ago.. wow that was fast, to the netherlands. I had Wenot for my pal. Not sure if she'll post but here I'll list what I tossed in there

3 half yards of fabric, one orange, one light pink, and one with gold cross stuff that's out of print
2 patterns for kids clothes, one for boys, one for girls
A bottle of elmers washable school glue, a regular red clear 12" ruler, a little package of heart pins, 3 binder clips, a little notepad, small red handled scissors.. oh poop I can't remember if there was anything else in there, and i put that all in a red plastic bin, and the red stiletto I made her and already showed you guys.
I dunno it was crammed pretty well hehe. i can't remember everything I shoved in. oh yea and a small dry erase board that says Peace, and a little red gel pen.. (can you guess she said she liked red?) trying to think if there was anything else. it's too early for me...
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