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Old 08-19-2012, 08:05 AM
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The reason babylocks run at a different price I was told by a brother rep is that the companies have different marketing strategies so the price is dependent on ow much is spent wich is why the laura ashley was more expensive than the symphony, but the qc-1000 was cheaper than the espire because they pay for the name use, laura ashley, nancy ziemen, eleanor burns. they pay these people to endorse their products. If you notice babylock spends a lot of money on having shows endorse their products, fons and porter, nancy ziemen, quilt in a day which is why their machines are higher. They are the same machines from brother. the only difference is in embroidery brother uses disney designs and babylock uses nancy ziemen designs. Also brother has the my custom stitch feature which babylock doesn't have on their machines.
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