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Old 08-21-2012, 02:45 PM
Retired Fire Chief
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Default Using elmers school glue

Thanks to whoever posted the link to the video on using the elmers for binding. I loved the tip on how it was used to make the mitered seams in joining the pieces of binding together as well as using it to stabilize the binding for sewing. Has anyone used the glue in any other process such as connecting blocks at seams to get perfectly lined seams or am I just wishing for a super secret way of assisting all my seams match up. I am a newbie and am having problems with keeping my blocks square. At first I thought I was ironing my seams open instead of pressing and I was stretching my pieces and often distorting them - where a strip will bow or end up with a slight curved edge instead of straight. After reading every tip all of you talented artist post I am now stabilizing all of my fabric with sizing, I really like the Downy spray. I find my fabric doesn't move on me as much and cutting is easier after sizing. So, would using the glue further assist me in getting more precise?
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