Old 08-24-2012, 08:22 AM
Nancy in Louisiana
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Our vacation was pretty good. The ferry rides to and from Vancouver Island were awesome. It was a rare treat for our family to all be together in one place. Bad timing, but because of the Ménière's Disease and having a nasty cold virus, I was as sick as a dog most of thetime we were gone. But I had a view of the ocean from my bed and could see seals and bald eagles and sea otters sometimes, so that was pretty cool.
Hey! I just got back from Vancouver day before yesterday. What a coincidence. It's an amazing place if you like sky scrapers and traffic and people and more skyscrapers. I think the median age of everyone there is somewhere around 28. Did enjoy seeing the white Beluga whales at the aquarium. How do they teach them to dance????
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