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Old 08-24-2012, 01:24 PM
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Ok tada, got Linda d's blocks done last night.. decided what an excellent idea someone posted if you have enough you make another where its not the focal and well did two and like both in a weird way. on a roll I pulled out the itty bitty little friggen triangles from Marytoddliz's disaster cutting day.. butchers gone wild! and decided not to toss them but try to make a redemption block for her.. I did and it worked out.. all magical this working out stuff. Maybe I will just invent goofy magic blocks and not worry about patterns that I mess up now to see if there is enough of Yosemitesas fab to try round two.. next up is the lovely purple tone on tone.. stumped guys. grapes? I have perfect grapes I could use but maybe miriam you dont want grapes... a tough one.. the simiplier a fabric the tougher to figure out what you want .. designs are easier, color check and its simple.

glad you liked the dots on the Dr. Seuss fabric, I had this odd bunch of it all tied up with a ribbon someones left overs and was two seconds from donating it.. I thought never will it work.. well wrongo huh? it was what I was looking for and that striped fab? I had 1" left of it when done.. lots of scrap fabrics in my house, I am lucky to be gifted with so many wonderful treats and now to find a home for them.. that is grand. So far so good. Maybe one more tonight. I am tired.. gotta go to the post office as I am a glutton for punishment. There will surely be a half a dozen or more waiting for me.. its ok if you slow down now.. take your time getting your stuff out heck you have all week so no worries.. grin.. truly let me catch up slightly. Wow how fast you guys are.

last Jaba enjoy your time and hope to see a photo shot of the whole gang. That is super and a lovely suprise. Good thing those potatos came in you might be making some big bowls of salad with that stuff. Two should feed the whole gang. and quilter momma no package from me? sheesh rowing its way to you now..overland no less.
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