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Old 10-04-2009, 11:11 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Loudonville, Ohio
Posts: 523

What a nice surprise and what a great DH you have!

In June, 2008, I wanted to go to the large AQS show at the Convention Center in Columbus (OH), but didn't have anyone to go with and really needed someone to drive. I walk with a cane due to arthritis and knew I'd have to walk a long way if I drove and parked myself, whereas if someone else drove they could drop me off at the closest entrance to the show, then park. I was surprised when my son offered to take me. He lives in Columbus, so he had to drive an hour-and-a-half to pick me up. It was his birthday (his 34th), so it really was a nice gesture on his part. He also carried my purse much of the time as we walked around the show, which was above and beyond the call of duty. It turned out to be a good way to find out what kind of quilts he liked (Celtic and art quilts, but nothing traditional at all).

I planned all year to go again this past June. My son was out of state, but my daughter promised she'd go with me. About two weeks before the show, she discovered she had to work and couldn't get off. My DH offered to take me, but could only go on Saturday, when I knew it would be crowded. We decided to go in spite of that and my DH tried hard to act like he wanted to go, but I knew his heart wasn't really in it. Ironically, this year the day we could go fell on HIS birthday. In the end, I decided not to go, but to use the $50 entrance fee ($25 each) to get his birthday present. My DH had just been laid off and money was tight. I was so disappointed, but felt it was the right decision.

However, I really, really hope I'm able to go next year :!:
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