Old 08-25-2012, 04:57 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 108
Default Pre washed and not prewashed in same quilt

At QOV group today I picked up some pre-cut 2" strips for my next QOV. They're quilt shop fabrics and not pre-washed, but all of my stash is pre-washed. I'm worried about the not pre-washed shrinking after the quilt is done. Should I at least wet the fabric in the sink and then toss it in the dryer so the strips don't fray too much, but will still shrink up (hopefully not in the width), or will I be OK just using them as is with the pre-washed fabric from my stash? If it makes any difference, I use Warm and Natural batting and don't pre-shrink that. Thanks.
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