Thread: Where is it??
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Old 08-28-2012, 11:20 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: in the middle of nowhere
Posts: 933

Been there, done that. I have done this some many times I am assumed to count them. Most of the time its stuff I use on a regular basis and have just had it in may hand then the phone rings or someone comes to the door and it disappears. Most of the time its due to me carrying it with me to answer said door or phone. I once lost the remote to my television. A couple hours later after searching and searching even enlisting DH to help couldn't find it. We just forgot about it and delt with changing the channels the old fashioned way, DH then went to get a snack and guess where he found it. In the freezer. Evidently when I went to get myself a bowl of ice cream earlier that day I stuck it in there. Why, dont know but there it was. We had a good laugh over it even though he then figured out why the ice cream in the house was always disappearing so fast.LOL
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