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Old 01-30-2008, 10:17 AM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 35

Hi all,

Recently on a rerun of Simply Quilts I saw a procedure called Devide and Conquer. Since I only have a six foot table and not enough floor space for a large quilt it worked well for me.
1. Prepare backing and batting for your quilt top
2. Lay them out, but mentally devide the quilt into thirds and only pin the middle third. (On the show they used basting spray, but I don't have the space for that.)
3. Mark the top left and top right of quilt top and batting
4. Using a large zigzag cut, cut away batting on both sides.
5. Quilt the middle section. Since the side batting is gone, there isn't much bulk and everything fits under a regular sewing machine.
6. Using a large whip stitch, attach batting on one side. Pin or baste and quilt
7. Do the same with the other side.
I randomly quilted a king size quilt using this method and it was fairly easy.
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