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Old 08-29-2012, 04:39 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Posts: 996

Is that christmas tree fabric I see in the border?
Yes, all the fabric is Christmas/winter themed.

I really like the second one. is that a log cabin design?
Yes, some of the triangles use a log cabin design.

I've always wanted to do one of Jason Yenter's quilts, but I never have gotten enough of his fabrics.
I was able to get the fabric for this quilt at a LQS. But Hancocks of Paducah often sells the fabric for Yenter's quilts online. I have even seen kits of his quilts there.

Could you send me the pattern of the second quilt you made?
The pattern is called Menagerie Star. It is in the book, Quilts of a Winter Menagerie by Jason Yenter. It can be purchased online.

Thank you for all of your nice comments. I just love this board.

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