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Old 09-02-2012, 10:53 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Default state fair education...

i was at the state fair, yesterday, with my youngest and her hubby--they are both artists, so we spent much of our day in the fine arts building, and the creative activities area, admiring and being blown away by the exquisite workmanship in so many things--but especially the quilts! (SIL confessed a longing to try his hand at needlepoint and/or counted cross stitch. he has been instructed to come and shop in my sewing room) we were looking at the gorgeous quilts when our territory was invaded by another young man who was obviously in love with the colors and textures we were seeing. he traveled along the exhibit with us, commenting on the lovely quilting (most of them machine quilted, expertly) and he commented on how he thought that it is a lot easier now, when there are "computers to do that sort of thing, now, you know--on sewing machines." i commented that while there were programs and pantographs, most of it was still guided by hand, and took a lot of ability and planning. he humphed, and moved on, ahead of us--and then, he leaned over and whispered, conspiratorially to me that "there is a new thing they are doing, now, you know--'they' are starting to make these out of polyester. i hear they last a lot longer." and with that pontification in my ears, i just smiled and told him that if he ever did, to be sure he used the right kind of thread, because polyester fabric would cut right through that cotton thread after a while...

i was sad to learn that i am not on the cutting edge with my cottons. and i was really happy to hear how "easy" it is to machine quilt. i'm still chuckling at the "reverse" quilt police, who feel free to educate the rest of us, and i know i'll never, ever be forced to bear the burden of that much inside knowledge. (oh, i'm sorry--was that my out loud voice? i lost my sarcasm filter yesterday, at the fair. i think it's still in the quilt display!)

still smiling, but loving how friendly this guy was--
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