Old 09-02-2012, 08:16 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
Posts: 6,487

Good evening, y'all. Unwanted excitement here this evening. I have been having trouble with yellow jacket wasps. The nest is under the trim strip on the corner of the house and I can't get at it. I've saturated the area - and me, with spray twice. But first today, I used the Furminator too hard on Lily, my Siberian mix. Red blood on a white and red dog isn't pretty. Then I trimmed her nails which is hard for a Sibe as they don't like their feet touched, but she was good girl. When I sent her to play, she tangled with a wasp. It got her right under the eye. I brought her in and washed her face because then I didn't know just where the bite was. I put a cold compress on it and while I was in the kitchen getting some of Moira's (the Border Collie mix) allergy medicine, Lily started having trouble breathing. The meds kicked in and I sang to her to calm her down, then my son called in time to calm me down. By the time we were finished talking, the swelling under her eye and in her throat had gone down. The dogs and I later went walking, but left the house a different way. I think I will give her more meds before bed. The worst it will do is make her sleepy. Anyone know how to get rid of yellow jackets?

Gail, try going gluten free for a few weeks. There is some evidence that it may a healthy way to eat for more people than just those of us that have diagnosed with celiac disease. That way, you can avoid the cake. I know someone who lost pounds and bloat trying it. My GD has been baking GF brownies for me when she has a party for one of my GGSs. I wish she wouldn't. I'm fine with a little ice cream. BTW, you'll notice a big difference in the foot at about the six month mark, but it may be a year before it is normal. Healing takes more time than we want to give it.

Whoops, where are my manners? Welcome to our newcomers, countryhousequilter, Pink Lady and Cornelia Ann. Welcome back to the rest of you. I hope for more participants tomorrow or Tuesday. Holidays throw everyone off.

September already. Wow! It will be Christmas before we know it. Scary, as I have such a large family to buy for.

Eat clean, drink your water and move your body. The only one of these I do consistently is the moving and that's because I have two furry walking partners. I did have a lot of fruit and veggies today, but not enough water.

I AM losing weight and getting healthier. Where is everose reminding us to take care of ourselves? And nancia making us think and smile in the same post?
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