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Old 09-02-2012, 08:50 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Southern Arizona
Posts: 20
Unhappy Bleeding turquoise batik

I am just about finished piecing a mystery quilt, and used a breautiful turquoise batik for one of the fabrics; but I didn't realize that it would bleed. I figured that out when I used accidently used water, instead of Best Press to set a seam. BUT, the fabric doesn't always bleed. Something white and gooey got on one of the small squares of the batik in one of the borders. (No clue what it is, or where it came from!) I scraped it off, and tried Gma's Secret Spot Remover to remove the rest. No luck, so I went to straight dish soap and a toothbrush (that usually works very well for oil-based stains.) Didn't work either, BUT I forgot that the batik now I have turquoise dye bleeding through the seams onto the neighboring orange yellow batik background! I tried pouring cool water over the stained areas with some success, but decided to stop, b/c I am just further wetting the top, and causing more bleeding. I patted the area as dry as I could and am letting it air dry. From what I've read I should use synthrapol to remove the bleeding, but ONLY when the quilt is done. Can I use Synthrapol to get out the current stains, should I just rip out the damaged triangles and be careful reattaching replacements? I managed to contain the dye damage to that area of border and neighboring block. But there are two more borders to add. Won't the whole top need to be synthrapol-ed or can I do just that area? Can I finish the top and then hand wash with synthrapol and then have it quilted? It's likely that other areas are going to bleed. How do I manage this? I feel like a dummy!
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