Old 09-03-2012, 08:19 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
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Lily is fine. I didn't need to give her the second med. She has a damaged trachea from an accident we had on a bicycle so it was scary when her throat started to swell. I thought about calling my #3 daughter for a Epipen, but that would have left S without one for the rest of the weekend. She needs at least two if she gets stung. Now we will see if Miss Liliana is smart enough to stay away from the corner with the wasps. I have to go in that area to water my flowers, but she doesn't.

Congratulations, countryhousequilter. 8 pounds is a perfect loss. No more than two pounds is week is ideal. Ignore the new member welcome. I took last month off so I didn't keep the list.

I have a baby quilt to FMQ. I'm finding I don't like having a drawn pattern, but I can't switch now. I prefer to do my own thing, not stay on a line. I have snowballs for a donation quilt on another machine and I find myself drawn to that one - I avoid things I don't like to do, but that won't get the baby quilt finished. I think my oldest daughter is coming in to dig up some of my flowers. She likes honeysuckle and can't find any. I can live without mine as it's in an area I don't go on a regular basis. Her fire ruined her gardens, too. You don't think about that.

Food today? Oatmeal with walnuts and fruit for brunch then chili and veggies for dinner. I'd rather have a grilled hamburger, but I need to finish the chili and my cholesterol is high again, so no HBs for a while. Snack may be a small ice cream when K comes in.

Have a healthy eating day, everyone.
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