Old 09-03-2012, 10:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Neesie View Post
After reading about this, on the QB, I've also been using the Elmer's School Glue, for basting. I took the advice of laying out the batting first, then smoothing the fabric, on top of that. The batting doesn't shift, as fabric would. Also as suggested, I then fold back half of the fabric (at a time), drizzle the glue onto the batting (lots of thin lines/swirls), then fold the fabric back and pat it into place. If I use the iron, I hold it to the fabric, for a few seconds, then move on. I don't actually "press" it, just lightly hold the iron to the fabric. This seems to work better (for me, anyway) than pressing.
I've only tried this, with Warm & White batting. Has anyone tried it, with the higher loft poly batting?
Neesie, I had some "cheap" poly batting that I bought off a roll. No idea what brand or anything. I tried it on a quilt that I worked on, and it just wouldn't stick to that quilt top. I couldn't get anything to stick to it!! I assumed it was because it was polyester batting. I used some scrap batting and tried gluing it to another top for trapunto and it worked fine! I probably used too much and it got very stiff, but since I'm not quilting that part, it is ok. When I sprayed it with water to get markings off, it softened up a lot. I'm assuming that it lost the bond too.
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