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Old 09-03-2012, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Boston1954
Oh man! My hand was over my mouth as I read this! I am so glad that there was no more damage than that. I have never zapped a cord, but when you mentioned the circuit breakers, it made me think. This is a very old house, and I have to turn off the air conditioner when I want to turn on the iron or it WILL trip the CB's. (It's like Green Acres here.)

Hope the lecture is not too severe. (remind him who does the cooking.)
I haven't heard of that one either. I would be more upset with myself and I know DH wouldn't give me a lecture. He would just tell me call my son (his son too I might add) and have the cord replaced. Because he knows it would be bad enough for me that I have to go without the machine until it is fixed.
I am reminded of a couple years back before we replaced the siding on our house. Always heard noises in the wall on once side of the house, and our Christmas lights were always plugged into that outside outlet on same wall. Shorted out every year. When I turned my iron on that was plugged into the socket on the same wall inside, I would constantly trip the breakers. Thought it was the iron. It was old so we threw it away. The guys take the old siding off, and they find mice trails all throughout the insulation panels. Looked like an ant farm behind glass. They took off the wood and found wires chewed up everywhere. Amazing the house didn't burn down.
Wonder if zapping the cord has any other effect on the machine?
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