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Old 10-06-2009, 02:28 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Missouri
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We had a great time in class today!! Been going and visiting different guilds and we found one that isn't too far and they seem to have much fun (and no obvious drama queens! Good thing!LOL) Now....when I showed up for class, I had in my basket all my necessary supplies from glue to needles and even my kid's Crayola lightbox (bought years ago for kid tracing and paid $10!) but, this newbie forgot her pattern she was going to use! So my very new and kind neighbor next to me shared her angel she had for the class(so I improvised!)...and, here's what we learned!

We traced the background fabric in the pattern outline(using a light source to do it)...including the outside edge of pieces or sections of stained glass. Then we traced our freezer paper (for a stencil) the object we had in the middle...mine was this great angel...ironed the cut out unto the back (wrong side)of the fabric of subject...cut out on the selvages. right on the line. Then I traced in my white pencil on the front of my angel what will be her skirt lines which my bias will be there to make stained glass.

Then the same thing w/all other my case that was the halo, face, hair and hand...again, freezer paper..cut out on edge...thennnnn...we peeled (I ripped because of all the excitement)off the paper...then glued a smidgen (that means just a bit for non-country folk)in the middle of the subject to hold in place on background.

Now...make your bias if you don't have any ready already...I am using a black batik w/swatches of curvy christmas trees for texture and hopefully will look like imperfections in my metal of the stain glass. Once bias is ready (I used 1/4" bias and used my Clover bias maker to make it) This is where thinking has to come in to need to think of what bias line will be over the top of another....go for the bottom of the pile to put on first. I pinned...then blind hem by hand both sides....if you have a great curve-do the inside always first! Now, I do hope this makes sense for I might be on a smidgen of carb overload..for there was this awesome pineapple something to eat and then someone else brought homemade cinn. rolls! Oh, and the coffee.....and, conversation...all good!:)Was a super great day and learned much! Can't wait till next month...we are doing something w/stitching on a drawn subject.....I have no clue...but, guess what...I am going to learn it!! It is free and we have a great teacher!:)

Sorry this is so long...and, it may seem like I did not get much done in a few hours...but, actually I did:)And, then there was that pineapple thing...:)Oh, and when the guild meeting actually started...we heard a program on using scraps to quilt and one on crazy quilting...awesome! Now...I hope you can make sense out of my project in the making:)
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