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Old 09-06-2012, 04:28 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
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Well, I am no expert and am also self-taught.
In my humble opinion, I don't think your quilt will fall apart as long as your seams are sewn together well. (This is where I always seem to have trouble even though I think I am so careful.) When you quilted, did you have it securly basted, either with pins or spray baste or whatever? Did your sandwich move around when you quilted or was it stable?
Now, how far apart is your quilting; did you follow the recommendation on the batting package? I have STID and not and have had no problems with them falling apart.
If you follow those "rules" I think it will be fine.

P.S. I love your "name" 2blackcats! And what made your firtst quilt a disaster?
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