Old 09-07-2012, 09:09 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: The California Hills
Posts: 626
Default I Can NOT Get the wrinkles out of my fabric--no matter what. Do I toss it?

So I am making a quilt that calls for a lot of white on white fabric. I have purchased 4 different fabrics to use. One fabric (I don't know the brand because it isn't marked on the selvage) came out of the dryer (mostly dry but a little bit of dampness) with quite a few wrinkles. It was a one yard cut. I immediately sprayed it with Best Press and pressed/ironed it and virtually all the wrinkles stayed.

It has been sitting for a few days and I was going to start cutting it up today but it still has so many wrinkles and areas that look kind of "pebbled" from where it was probably pretty damp and then dried with the iron. I tried ironing it again just now and it doesn't seem to be helping anything. It is like these wrinkles and pebbling are virtually permanent.

I cut a smaller strip of this same fabric last month to test the block and it did the same thing only worse since it was such a small piece it wrapped all up in its self. I have purchased 7 yards of this fabric so I am pretty dismayed that this happend.

The good news is that the biggest piece of this fabric will only be 1 1/2 inches square (it is for an omigosh) so it probably won't be super noticable.

After it is finished and quilted and then washed, I am wondering what this will look like. Should I proceed or toss it and get something else?
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