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Old 09-07-2012, 11:34 PM
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Linda, that cat is the top! I love it~ is it male? My Bella Cat is regal like that. Fraew, I love your blocks you are going to have an awesome quilt. I love black and white and Red, but when you add that touch of grey it really zings.

Kelly I totally agree with you, technology has to continue to improve because we continue to expand, I just remember when things used to last for ever! And I agree getting a new computer every few years is a given, just like a phone and... well most things, but being on limited funds, and with the memory from days gone by it just some how doesn't quite balance any more. It is the part of getting older that is harder to balance in my head each year. But honestly I get excited for the kids growing up today they have endless amounts of possibilities ahead of them. Things that only happened on Star Trek when I was a kid. I think of how it was for women of the historical past, sewing everything by hand! I imagine there were those who did not want that new fangled thing in their house (sewing machine) Yes a lot has changed and it is getting better if you look just at the technology in the sewing industry.

I do believe the glass is half full and filling up, so I am glad you called me on whining about my old camera! Heck the one I had before it I had to spend a lot of money for film... Most young kids would say, "what is film!"

And Linda, I have only finished the ones that I have received ... and only then because I am OCD, I can't let it sit, it has to get done! I am amazed at your growing pile of blocks with all you have to deal with. I think you are doing awesome! I love that hexagon block, wow somebody has great talent! (sorry I could not remember who it was that made it, but big Kudos!)

I just finished Cuppy's block, I think it is the other group... OK off to bed for me~

Happy Weekend~
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