Old 09-08-2012, 12:35 PM
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 854

So the mailman scared the bejeezus out of me and the cats. We were sitting here, minding our own business, the fat cat came in from the porch and then we both heard the mail drop into the slot.. So he jumps about a foot and followed me out to investigate. As I'm looking at the mail from the slot I hear a THUD against the door that I was standing right next to and a loud BANG BANG BANG knock. And then I jumped a foot. Opened it to find a big box and I was like... what the heck could that be, I don't think I've ordered anything in awhile, and I checked and I recognized the name and I was like.. I can't remember what she said she was sending me, I know she sent me fabric before, but what the heck is this. and it rattled, so of course I shook it around like a rattle for fun.. then I was like... oo it's a computer motherboard box and it has computer words on it, maybe I shouldn't shake it. Well, then I went to get a brownie, and some scissors and tried not to stab myself in the hand getting it open cause EVERY FREAKING SEAM WAS TAPED. And well there was fabric on top and I was like.. oh maybe she was sending me more "ugly" fabric.. then I pulled the fabric off and there were GOODIES!

There was probably every single flavor of tea this brand makes. Black with pink floral fabric, a purple fabric, and a mauvey fabric, a pomegranate bath fizzy diamond, some moth balls? hehe, BUTTONS, pretty red glass beads, violin rosin for my violin, some extra bobbins, some bias tape, some little strips of blue fabric that was holding the purple and mauve fabric around a walking foot and a darning foot for my machine, some really pretty variegated thread, and a pencil thing that I feel like if I drew with it it would be oily and thick and fun and I like to draw but I'm not sure if it's for fabric or for drawing.. and a little thread holder for my machine. And a book about embellishing quilts. And well there was a little yellow web sleeve thing that I'm not sure if that was supposed to be in there or found it's way in or if it had held the moth balls before I shook it up hehehe. But I think I'll go put it on the cat's head. I love it when people send me ways to torment my kitties It makes them more well rounded and tolerant beasties.

Thanks MissusFear! Just in time for me to try to figure out how to put the foot on so I can quilt something for my SP who wants something homemade or locally made.. So if I make it, that makes it both homemade and locally made right?
Oh.. here's a pic.
Attached Thumbnails img_20120908_151957.jpg  
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