Thread: Idiot sightings
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Old 09-08-2012, 06:32 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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I worked for a company that provided services to the mentally and developmentally disabled. They lived in group homes or supportive living sites with staffing around the clock. One of the houses was about an hour from the main office and often sent time sheets, receipts etc to the main office by fax machine. One day, the house leader called because they were out of fax paper and couldn't receive any faxes. She also stated that she didn't think the fax was working correctly because she had put a blank piece of paper through the fax machine and faxed it to the home's fax number and didn't get a second sheet of paper. In her very blonde moment, she thought by faxing herself a blank piece of paper, she would get another sheet of paper.
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