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Old 09-10-2012, 03:40 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 2,047

The main thing is to keep their 'juice' fresh. Especially in hot weather.
In hot weather it needs changed OFTEN (every other day). Cooler days it will not sour as quickly (maybe 3-4 days)
We also keep their feeders cleaned with hot soapy water (make sure they are rinsed good)
and the little flower ports scrubbed with a small brush.
When we first started seeing hummingbirds here we only had a few, then every year it just keeps incresing.
The same birds will return to your area every year. Including the ones that hatched/fledged there.
We NEVER use store bought nectar. We make our own sugar water. 1 cup sugar per quart of water.
We add a drop or two of food coloring only for our benefit. It is not necessary. They will drink it clear.
We add because it makes it easier to see when the feeders are getting low.

During the peak of the season this year we had twelve (12) feeders hanging, and was refilling DAILY!
Sometimes it felt like that's all I got done in a day was wash bottles and feed birds! lol
But we get so much enjoyment out of them it is worth it!

We estimate how many birds we get by the amount of juice we go through.
Hummingbirds weigh approx. 1/8 oz. And they will eat anywhere from half (1/2) to eight (8) times its body weight a day.
On our peak feeding this year we were going through 2-2.5 gallons a day (288 oz)
[do the math on that one!]
I wonder what next year will be like!!! ((yikes))
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