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Old 09-10-2012, 10:56 PM
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
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Yea i'm not fond of picky eaters and I won't go out of my way to accommodate sheer pickyness. If it's allergy then yes but if they just don't like it, well they can pick it out or go without. Or they can buy the food for the meal. I almost virtually never have people over, but for holidays my family comes over, and it's potluck. We generally cook tried and true stuff. When my friend from missouri visited me she bought and cooked a meal for me and certainly ate what I cooked. When I visit her she tries to feed me what I like.. I am always like, just cook.. if I don't like it I won't eat it, I got my own money I can feed myself if I don't like it. But she's not all super adventurous in cooking so I have never had a complaint anyways.
My brother is one of those people that won't eat any green veggies, or most other veggies.. He likes corn and that's about it. I force him to at least try whatever new veggie dish I make.

So.. I had a mishap with a block... in the shape of one piece... and then once I corrected that, I realized it's gonna be pretty much.... all the block.. but I think that's ok.. I don't think I'm going to bother resizing it. We'll see. Mostly cause I don't want to try to do the math again haha. Made my BF get involved in the color choices, and he said hte same thing 3 of us girls said when auditioning them.. "Go with the green, yellow and blue cause the fabric already has too much red". He's so cute when he's forced to involve himself with "women things" hehe. He has demanded I make a gnome with a cowboys jersey.. he's also demanded a cowboys quilt which I've drafted a design for but will have to wait til I can afford the licensed fabric. Anyways.. I'm making UFO's over here like crazy, I should finish something.
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