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Old 09-11-2012, 09:14 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Baileys Prairie, Texas
Posts: 294

No one needs a featherweight....but we all NEED at least one. I have two. One I purchased about 20 years ago, and one was gifted to me by a fellow quilter who passed away 10 years ago by her husband. I use both of them. I always remember Donna when I use the gifted one. We spent a lot of time together quilting together. It brings her early loss back to mind each time I use it. It's in my car right now getting ready for a trip to Louisiana. My other one is ready to go to the shop as the stich level is not changing the size of the stich. It was fine the last time I used it, but this time it had a problem. I don't remember when it went to the shop last. I clean it regularly and it keeps on ticking...I usually keep it on the RV so I can sew whenever the mood strikes me.
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