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Old 09-11-2012, 03:36 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
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Misskira, I agree with you 100%. When my DH and I were working full time, his passion was antique and vintage sewing machines. I already had a Brothers (which I loved), a Singer from about 1975, a 20 year old Kenmore and a Janome 9500 embroidery machine. With a portion of every one of his paychecks going toward one of these antique/vintage machines, DH went crazy purchasing them. He wanted to fix them up, clean them up and then resell them. Well, the best laid plans of mice and men, etc., etc., etc. We now have 38 sewing machines. But, the one I use exclusively for piecing is my Featherweight. It is a 1951, not especially beautiful, but sews the nicest straight seam of any of my more expensive machines. Until I had my accident, there was not a day that went by that I didn't sew on it. Need it? Not especially, however, if I had to sell my machines, it would be one of the last ones I ever parted with.

Originally Posted by misskira
A status symbol? Um, no. A reliable, strong sewing machine, at a fraction of the price of modern straight stitch machines, that I can maintain myself? Yes.
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