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Old 09-14-2012, 09:59 AM
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posts: 854

Hehehe my kitties help with the disaster. I may make a fairly neat pile while I'm working but they look at that pile as something akin to kids jumping in a pile of leaves and they drag it from one end of the house to the other.. Its real fun when I find it in my bathtub. I don't decorate, way too much work, but before i got this smaller-than-a-cracker-box house I used to move my furniture around all the time, it's fun. And my furniture is surprisingly light. But now I have really no other way it can be placed in this house and my tv armoire is like 400lbs no lie it took 3 guys and lots of struggling to get it into my house. It's probably staying with the house when I move hahaha.
That party sounds fun if I'm not the one buying the fabric for it. Cause then I could go get more fabric
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