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Old 09-15-2012, 04:35 AM
Linda Renfro
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Eastern Shore of Maryland
Posts: 119

Hi Barril: I'm so appreciative of you and your offer to help and getting the other ladies involved. When I posted this I never dreamed I would get "any" offers to help me...I was just hoping for simple patterns...but thanks to you my task sounds like it's going to be a breeze! My Niece said that she has about a dozen men in her unit, and the rest which would be 32 woman. (I think this varies due to death, transfers etc.,) I would say the size could be any where from 36 x 30 to 36x 36 for lap quilts, maybe even put on a couple of those pockets you were speaking about if you don't mind parting with them. Anything you want to make will be a huge help and just so appreciated by myself and I'm sure the receiver. You are a blessing!
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