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Old 09-16-2012, 05:56 PM
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Default DGS learned to text already - he's 2 1/2

He learned to call Grandpa when he was less than a year old. He would call and 'talk' - well, listen to Grandpa babble. I'm so jealous... (it's ok the girls call me) He calls often and wants Grandpa to talk. Now he 'reads' books to Grandpa. Yesterday he swiped DDs cell phone and tried to call Grandpa. Some how he managed to send a text message for Grandpa to call 911 - After checking with DD to see if things were ok - no answer - hhhhmmmm Grandpa called SIL. DGS also called his Daddy with the same message. Grandpa did call 911 just incase... Finally, Daddy got through to home and then figured they better head off 911 - it was just the 2 1/2 year old trying to call Grandpa to tell him about his 'new tent'.
Picture of DGS with his man cave tent - all kinds of boy toys in there - what a character... and yes there is a chicken peeking over the fence.
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