Old 09-18-2012, 03:52 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 210

I upgraded my Janome 9500 for the Janome 11000 SE. I LOVE this machine. I have had it for over fours now. When I upgraded, two of my friends followed suit and upgraded too. Now one on my friends traded in her 11000 for the new Horizon 12000. I went with her to our local Janome dealer for a presentation of the new 12000. A Janome representative came and did the presentation. Of the 12 women in the morning session, 4 traded in their 11000 for the new 12000. My friend was one of the ladies who traded.

I like the features of my 11000 and was not overly impressed with the new 12000. I am more of a quilter and use my machine for quilting. I love the Accufil feature and the ability to hoop my quilt (all 3 layers) to do beautiful quilt motifs.

I am sure you could get a great deal on a SE11000 now that the Horizon 12000 is out. Considering the new Horizon is $9,999.00 + tax, I don't think you can bet the SE11000.

Good luck with your decision. I am still very happy with mine!!

Kathy from Houston.
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