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Old 09-19-2012, 05:30 AM
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Posts: 221

It sounds like you want to have your corners dead on. So do I. Looking at your photos, it appears that the strips wave and the blocks are somewhat uneven. Measure them to see if the squares are really square. If not, as I suspect, try and figure out where you are going wrong. It could be that you are stretching them when pressing, or your seams really aren't accurate. I never starch anything, by the way. It is not necessary to get accurate sewing. It appears that the "me not love" row is more rectangular than square, but that could be from the photo angle. I really think it is in the accuracy of your 1/4 inch seams. Stitch more slowly--if you are sewing with the petal to the metal, as I was, then you can't be as accurate as necessary. Hope this helps. SandyQuilter
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