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Old 09-19-2012, 06:03 AM
jude by the sea
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 177

Hi All,
Oh I am excited and I just got email this morning so our journey is beginning! Yes on sashing for me but I am not stuck on anything so I can change my mind, however, it looks like we each decide for our own themed quilt so for me sashing would work. My theme is going to be an Asian theme.

Lisa in number one I have a question are you saying that I, for instance should include the sashing strips when I send my row to Pat-sews for all the rows? That is fine with me as well.

For number two: I am a newbie and don't have any labels so I am open to feedback on this one. I am sure I can get labels in the next two months.

Number three: your idea of sending the quilt with a letter of the theme and what it means is great but since we all have to have a theme I would love to know every ones themes so I can think about it before it arrives and the two month time clock starts ticking!

And number four: yes if the rows are done early I am fine with them being sent early!

Road I am fine with you sending the sashing along. Will you have it cut or do we cut it? I think sending sashing along is good because we could match colors but since I never did anything like this before I am not sure. I guess I think about a finished quilt and would like it all to blend but again I am not sure. Don't worry about rushing me as I assume we still go by the mailing dates.

Pat-sews, I think your idea of a pantry quilt is great because it is your idea, we just have to add to it and right now I am not sure what I will do for a pantry quilt but that is the fun of the project as it gets me to think! Great idea.

Lisa I agree, letting the theme owner call the shots about sashing. I would like to be clear though if we add our own sashing or does the theme owner send it. I vote for the theme owner to call the shot and that could be that the theme owner tells the rest to make up your own mind!

OK mama I am confused. Are we sending to group 2 or are we sending to each other in group 5. That is my understanding that all of us in group 5 send to each other while the other groups send to their group members. Do I have that right or do the groups send to the other groups. Like I said I haven't done this before so maybe I don't have it right!

One last thing...every time we want to connect with each other how do we do that? By looking on the main posts or will there be a title for connection of the people in the row robi? Sorry for the long text but just trying to be clear. So to let you all know I will be doing an Asian theme. Let me know what you all think! Have a good day ladies!
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