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Old 09-19-2012, 10:14 AM
Crazy Quiltin Robin
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Originally Posted by Sierra View Post
I wonder how common it is for husbands to "gift" a quilting house? Ten years ago when I was quilting in the great room of our cabin (using our table) and DH was eating his lunch at the breakfast bar (and feeling very generous because he was proud of my quilting and accepting his new limitations) I told him about an article in an old quilt magazine (I bought a few from a quilt shop) about a woman whose husband helped her redo the quest room, then added on to it, and finally, when the house next door went up for sale, bought it and redid it per her quilting desires. I never thought I'd hear of this again and here it is!!!! Some of us just won out in the DH department!
I am truly blessed to have had the most wonderful men in my life hubby pretty much just lets us have our girl time and my late hubby was amazing .... he was a pretty wonderful kind of guy who I must admit spoiled me rotten ... my quilt house is wonderful and we have had so much fun there ... seems everyone loves to have the room to sew and talk and have fun .... and we have a kitchen and bathroom so we can bring food and eat ... life is good ......your all invited to vist next time your in SW Oklahoma .... happy quilting to all
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