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Old 09-19-2012, 04:55 PM
Dragonfly Nana
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Hello ladies! Glad this "switch" happened early in the game. This is my first row robin and I am excited.
From what I have read so far it seems like we are all "open" in our themes. Mine is stars and I plan to call the quilt Twinkle, Twinkle
My take on the items in question:
#1 I agree - if the owner wants sashing they can send it along and we can add it as we go. If no sashing is sent then we just add our row to the package and mail along
#2 Again, if owner wants us to sign one they can include it - Otherwise we attach a little address label to our row.
#3 I like the idea of sending a letter or: In a Round Robin we sent a small notebook where we wrote something and so the others could write down thoughts or a message
#4 Yes, but only if it is ok with the next person in line. We would not want one to get "lost" or have someone feel overwhelmed if they do not work as fast as others.
#5 Great idea. I ship DQs every month at the machine and it is a whopping $.70 Well worth it to know it is safe or can be found.
This is going to be so much fun!
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