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Old 09-23-2012, 05:37 AM
Geri B
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Illinois
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If your timing is a mechanical one......check with mfg or see if a tech is nearby.....If your timing problem is a personal issue, just remember working on a longarm is a very different thing. There is definite learning curve and also a lot of practice...don't think you wake up one morning and off you go........Ask any of the professional that are on the web how long and how much practice it took them to be where they are now...and one never stops learning.......each time I load a quilt I try to think of a better way to do it.......sometimes a little something comes to mind or sometimes have to find your own way of doing it, but the books and classes that are now available are truly a big help. When I started there was nothing except a little group that had started on line with a few people who were floundering too, so we all learned together and helped each other and I do believe we also enlightened the mfgrs about a few things too.......Off my soapbox....but give yourself some time and have patience. You must have shown a spark of interest in this if your dh purchased it for you? So keep that flame going........
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