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Old 09-24-2012, 07:28 AM
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Iowa
Posts: 4
Default Question on quilt I am almost finished

Hello all,
My question is this. I have made a "Turning Twenty" quilt top. In the square of the big square I have a Printed flower, (material came that way). Some how or other, in putting all the pieces together, a couple of the big squares were turned the wrong way. The result was that I have some materials that were duplicates in this turning twenty and 2 of the big squares next to each other have the same material one block/piece of material apart from each other. The material does not stand out, and it doesn't necessarily look bad but I know it is not supposed to be that way. I also placed two squares in the same repeat pattern right next to each other. (I must have had the "lights on, but left home" when this happened.) I am making it for my sister who knows nothing about quilts so she probably won't notice. Anyway, I did not notice this mistake until after I had the first borders sewn on. I am bothered by it, and wonder if I should take it apart? However, my reasoning for not taking it apart is that with the 1/4 inch seams, the material will fray with all the handling. A friend of mine told me that the Amish purposely have a mistake in their quilts avoid pride in their perfection. This made me feel better.

Any thoughts?

PS I am new to the forum and a fairly inexperienced quilter.
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