Old 09-25-2012, 05:03 AM
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Jan, when I was growing up and living in the country, we didn't have such good snow removal equipment as we do now so there would be up to a week at a time when we would be snowed in. We all had chores to do in the morning but as soon as they were all done and the house straightened up, we would play board or card games or put a puzzle together. Later when I had my own family and responsibilities, snow was not so welcome because I had to get through to go to work regardless if the plows had gone or not. Now that I'm retired, I've returned to welcome snow like when I was a kid. As long as there is food in the house and I'm warm, being snowed in feels "cozy" to me. It will all melt eventually and in the meantime, let's play cards.
Mirabelle, here in the Midwest we have tornadoes which are brief but violent, often deadly. Thankfully, I've never been personally involved in one. Are cyclones much like our hurricanes? How cold does it get during your winter? Does it get steamy hot in your summer?

Last edited by gardnergal970; 09-25-2012 at 05:06 AM.
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