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Old 09-26-2012, 12:17 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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it is not a virus. it's a pop-up ad.
my own theory is that one of the ads being pushed through the space is infected with adware or spyware.
the techs try to block all pop-ups but this one is particularly annoying and was programmed to elude most defense measures.

when the invisible ad/spyware tries to install itself, our own anti-virus programs prevent it.
mine activates the additional step of temporarily blocking all traffic from the website.
that's why it's necessary to shut down the browser completely to get rid of it.

therefore, it's a "good-news-bad-news" thing. the ad and having to close and restart the browser is a pain in the butt. on the other hand, that's at least proof that our AV programs are protecting our computers. it's also important to remember that the board itself is not infected with a virus. as long as you have good AV software installed on your computer and keep it up to date there's nothing to worry about.

if you know how to take a screen-shot, please do that if you get the false AV notice.
send it by email to [email protected]

they will appreciate any clues we can provide to track down the source and block it.

they have identified one ad so far and taken appropriate steps.

the fake Adobe Update is new. i will report that.
i am 99.9999999% sure none of our ads are the source of that but knowing about it, the techs can triple-check and watch for it.
  • necessity is the mother of invention. lazy is the crazy aunt.
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