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Old 09-26-2012, 03:31 AM
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Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
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WE feed Bess Purina Fit and Trim (has all the measured vitamins, minerals, etc., that a dog needs. I stay on that. For snacks, however, she loves raw green beans, I always buy a bag of those little carrots and give her those. Never, never, grapes or raisins (there is something in the grapes that act with a dog's stomach. Raisins are grapes. I think it is the tannin in the grapes that isn't good. I remember the time Bess ate an Ande's chocolate mint. It was Christmas and we decided to give her a little nip of Christmas cheer (wine - grapes - getting the picture? Well, she got an Ande's mint and lucky for her, after a few small laps of the fruit of the vine, she barfed, royal!!! And there it was - the Ande's mint in its wrapper. She was in such a hurry to get it before I was able to pry her mouth open and get it out that she ate it whole and thank heaven we did give her a little wine because that candy and wrapper could have festered in her belly.

We do give Bess all fresh vegetables, fresh fruit (except grapes/raisins), sometimes chicken and beef cooked. If there is any leftover gravy, I will put a tablespoon in her dish with her food and stir it up. She loves that! My cousin used to know of this place in Milwaukee that sold ground horsemeat and he gave Rivets that for dinner. He'd get several pounds ground up and packaged. Good thing my aunt didn't make sloppy joes!!!!!!

We will give her tastes of a peanut butter cookie, but that's about it. She loves shrimp, muskmelon, squash (cooked). But seriously, I would keep a dog on dog food because of the nutritional value with people food as a treat! Bess, as prescribed by our vet, has been on Fit and Trim since she was three years old - she is getting the vitamins and minerals that dogs or other pets need, plus the snacks are not full of calories. She is going to be ten on January 3! Same day as my husband (that's the only way I can remember!)

For those in the White Castle region like we are (St. Paul), my husband had a friend who, on his dog's birthday, took him to White Castle for a couple Gut Bombs! So we have been doing that with Bess too. Pure meat, good snack for her! Happy Birthday to Bess. Of course, anyone who wants to take me to White Castle for my birthday would have my undying gratitude for the rest of my life. I love those things!!!!!! With a shot of mustard.

For those pets who have health problems, do what your vet says - he knows a heckuva lot more than we do and he is the main person who keeps our pets with us as long as possible, right?

Happy Day! Edie
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