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Old 09-27-2012, 02:16 PM
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Location: Minneapolis, MN
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So.. metallic embroidery thread... bane of my existence.. now as bad as I hated it last night.. it broke a needle on me even! geez. How can the thread break a needle but become such a mess of itself while attempting to use it to sew.. whatteevverr.. It's almost done.. then it's out of my house and I'm sorry I think it is like 1/16th of an inch smaller than it should be and I don't think I care anymore. I still have to wash this darned thing too, to get the glue off.. Don't ask... this block REALLY REALLY wants to go to it's new home. I better finish that tonight before I decide to rip everything off of it and start over.. tee hee. Oh crud it's math time again.
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