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Old 09-30-2012, 10:55 PM
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QuilterMomOf3's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Tulare, CA
Posts: 199

Well, our oldest (son) is learning to read, and is content to trace his letters on paper or the iPad and sound out the words. Our middle (daughter) is usually content playing in her "size appropriate" toy kitchen, making food for all her toys...dolls, dogs, bears, doesn't seem to matter to her that

Our youngest (daughter) can hold up her head & for a little bit each day gets some "tummy time". She's going through a growth spurt right now, so she eats ALOT of breastmilk, then passes out for 4-6 hours...

The 2 oldest have separate rooms, and each have a tv & DVD player mounted in their rooms, so I can just put in a Sesame Street show or any movie, any they either become enthralled, or kinda watch it while they play.

Which, in turn, gives me some "mommy/sewing time".

Also, my husband works swing shift, so he's at work from 4:30pm-1am, which means by the time we get back home & put kids back in bed, it's about 2am. I can't seem to sleep past 7am most days... He gets up @ 10am, we hang out for a bit, eat breakfast together (he cooks), then he does homework or plays video games while I go do something crafty for a bit...

The kids get up @ noon (baby girl gets fed, changed, held, whenever she wants/needs it...), eat breakfast, go read for a bit, color, whatever...they are VERY self-reliant for the most part. Our middle is still in pull-ups, but both she and our oldest can get outta their pants to go to the "potty".

Anyways, typically, hubby hangs out with, plays with, & watches them until we take him to work @ 4pm, then we come home, they eat lunch, nap time (which usually lasts 4 hours or so), and then that's the "sacred" Mommy/sewing time again...

I feed, change, and swaddle our youngest, then give her a pacifier & strap her into her swing. She then sleeps for typically 4-6 hours.

I chain machine piece. I hand quilt, cause I LOVE the puffy, old fashioned look, and HATE the puckers that ALWAYS seem to accompany machine quilting...I have dedicated sewing area in our large dining room, where my sewing stuff can remain out and unhindered. My kids know the rules & unless I'm in my sewing chair, and invite them in, they stay outta the craft area.

They have lacing cards they're learning to sew with.

I think most hand sewing/piecing is done in cars, or in public, where you can't have a machine...
I personally have a LOT of tiny triangles, cause I had a bunch of small squares, then, admittedly stupidly, cut them in half...I've tried machine piecing them, but to no avail...

I'm the youngest member (just turned 23 last Tuesday) of the Valley Oak Quilt Guild. We meet once/month.
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