Old 10-01-2012, 08:42 AM
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Location: southern Oklahoma
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I don't usually even have music. I have a radio in the shed and a few CD's for my laptop, but seldom use them. I have always concentrated better when things were quiet. When I was in college years ago a lot of the girls had to have something to listen to while studying and I never could understand that, because I would end up listening to the music instead of studying. We have a hometown retreat once a month and get together on a Saturday and sew and have lunch together. I love to go and talk and be inspired by other projects, but like others, I take the "mindless" chores to do.

I try to plan my quilting around household and farm chores. I don't feel guilty taking the time if I know I've allotted time for the housework. I try to spend evenings with my DH. I don't let my dog into the shed, either. She's a Sheltie, and would demand my attention. We both play with her in the evening....and she looks forward to that time. She has a large pen and LOVES being outside where she can bark at the cows and warn us if anyone pulls into the driveway. DH takes her out in the pasture with him when he checks the cattle each day.

We built the shed when I retired. I worked for 30 years and have looked forward to the time when I could spend time quilting. So I certainly don't feel guilty about making good use of it....and DH agrees!
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