Thread: Jo Anne B.
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Old 10-01-2012, 09:17 AM
Jo Anne B.
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Central Ia
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Default Jo Anne B.

Hi All!
I have learned sew much from QB! I have been reading this site for the past few months and sew many times I have wanted to chime in, sew it is about time I did!
I have been quilting almost a year, it has been a big learning process as I knew nothing, not even how to sew on a button. Or use a machine?? It was all so confusing, I was an am such a blank slate.
I have my best friend who has quilted for years, think she got tired of sewing on my buttons and other tasks...
Anyway she directed me to a local lady who taught the basics of quilting as her mission "StitchinMission" The Baby quilts produced in class are donated to charity and we walk out with free lessons and basic knowledge. Cool stuff huh?
My most prized possessions are the two quilts(double wedding ring) my grandmother hand quilted in the 1930's. Her nursing home gave her space to put up her quilt frames, the staff even helped keep her in fabric, she was making and giving away quilts until she died. Could quilting be genetic? I have a newspaper article from when she was featured in her local newspaper. She was a wonderful woman!! I miss and love her now more than ever, and she has been gone 36 years, must be the quilting....
I absolutely believe there is so much love poured into quilting.
I have as well found frustration, I describe it to my husband "it's like golf... no matter how hard you try, how perfect you try to make it, how just when all seems it should be just right" It's still going to go wayward.
I have two easy projects going on, a down sized twin(Kaleidoscopic Kites a "free" pattern from Fresh Lemons Modern Quilts) for my mother and just bought halloween fabric(on sale with 20% off coupon) yesterday at Joann's for my granddaughter we will be using the turning twenty pattern, plus my granddaughter is going to participate in making her quilt, could quilting really be genetic??
Sorry for the long intro, hope you enjoyed meeting me as I have you!
Jo Anne B.

PS: Question.. one of the pieces of fabric bought yesterday contains glitter, how does this work with the sewing machine? any problems? seems to shed pretty easily.

PSS: I sew a Pfaff 2044 Quilting Expression mostly on Sundays especially during football season. LOL!
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