Old 10-01-2012, 02:16 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
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story of the day...YES YOU WILL LOVE THIS !!!!!
I was talking to an elderly neighbor lady.
I was on her front porch outside and I kept hearing
a baby kitty crying. kept trying to locate where it was coming from
with all the noise going on ( UPS ) truck.
finally I told neighbor there is a kitty crying for help.
started walking around trying to locate where the sound
was coming from...I am semi deaf so makes it harder.
I ended up in the parking lot and heard it clearer.
aha it was in her sons car. I peeked thru open window.
no kitty...dang I know what I heard. I wait and there it cries again.
peek back in the car...nope no kitty. I know there is a kitty in need of help.
I am not losing my mind !!
son of a gun I heard it again and darned if it wasn't coming from the engine.
yelled at neighbor was son home so we could get hood up and get kitty out.
thankfully window was down so opened door and popped hood.
there is the prettiest sable colored kitty with the bluest eyes.
not sure she had been weaned yet she is that small.
she is going to have long hair.
well it would not come out at all and kept going into
tighter and tighter spaces. neighbors son comes home right then
and got him to help me by scaring kitty down and out of engine.
it was the only way
finally kitty on ground and ran like **** to the bushes.
hiding in bushes I run one side and son runs other side and kitty goes down
center of long bushes to neighbors yard.
nabbed it as it was trying to get thru a broken part of the fence.
not a happy kitty HISSED at me.
so got it out of mess and held by chest to calm it down.
turns out it's a girl kitty.
I can't keep her......allergies.
I was crying because she is so beautiful.
other friend comes by and I beg her to take kitty.
told her her DH will have to deal as they don't need alot
of tending as do dogs. they take care of themselves.
well she took him so far.
we have named her SABLE.
her coloring is that of a beautiful sable coat.
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