Old 10-04-2012, 07:06 PM
mountain deb
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I came across this recently and they both work. They are antibacterial, antiveral and antifungal, so they cover a multitudes of sins. Mix one tsp of local (best) honey with 1/4 tsp cinnamon and swallow. Do not take anything by mouth for 15 - 30 minutes after taking this to allow it to work. The second one has more of a bite to it. It actually changes the ph balance in the throat so nothing can grow. If it saves a trip to the docs, then I'll do it. Yes, I use this one and it works great. Mix 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1 T cider vinegar (organic if possible, although I use store bought) 2 T water and 1T honey (local best) I usually triple or so the recipe and store in jelly jar in the fridge. Take 1 T 3 to 4 times everyday for 3 days or until symptoms are gone which usually is 2 to 3 days.
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