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Old 10-07-2012, 05:09 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Horse Country, FL
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I resisted the iPhone/iPad thingie as my job forced us to use technology without training us!! What a disaster. But moving across country cured me! I learned the iPhone email system and how to take a picture on the phone and email it immediately to folks who wanted to know our progress. Then came the iPad with a much larger screen, but it was annoying to type on the screen, so we bought a "cover" by Logitech which is actually a typing pad. We gave our son our laptop. We just don't use it anymore. The iPad goes with us on car trips and a map app makes it so easy to see where we're going. Like a portable GPS. I do all the things on it Tartan does. There is a drawback in that it doesn't do FLASH apps, but I rarely go sit at the computer anymore. And I can sit in my recliner and have it print things in the other room. Amazing!!
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