Thread: Low Carb Help
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Old 10-07-2012, 06:41 AM
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She will do fine on low carbs; Ive been doing it since I had the surgery for about 20yrs now. I do have my vitamin levels check alot and they just found out that zinc is another one that can run low on this surgery. Most of the people who gain alot of thier weight back is due to the higher carb intake. Ask me how I know.

The government guide lines aren't forevery one. Just like people who have this surgery won't all tolerate or not tolerate the same things; it's different for each person. Even before my surgery I always had problems with iron no matter how much I took and it's alot higher than the governments guide lines. I also have and do have problems with Vitamin D; my specialist says I take more Vit D than any of his other patients. We are all different and so are our needs. Cutting back on carbs is not that hard. Dreamfields makes a really good pasta; better than most. You just have to look and there are tons of books and info from online. Good luck to your daughter. She'll be fine and they know more about this surgery than they did 20yrs ago so it's gotten better. I just had a friend who had it last month. My best advice especially in the beginning (practice before surgery) is taking smaller bites and swallowing slowly. If you don't learn to do this your daughter will have lots of issues with reflux. My friend practiced before and couldn't believe how hard this its to do when you stop and think about how you are eating. She still has some problems now that shes slowly eating real food.

By the way; you can't have this surgery without having a dietition involved along with a phsyc eval and tons of other classes and test. There are even pre classes and after classes to help you understand what is going on. It doesn't take away you wanting food you have to put in the work there. When I went back up to 160 I went on the Southbeach diet; it follows closely what the surgery diet is; low carbs,low fat and higher protein. I lost my weight in less than 2 mos and that was about 10yrs ago and I stay around 130 now. Have her to check out the Southbeach diet; they have great recipes.

Last edited by romanojg; 10-07-2012 at 06:46 AM.
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