Old 10-11-2012, 02:28 PM
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Pat, We always found that school employees were immune after the first year. The poor newbies caught everything the kids brought in. I guess you're taking tomorrow off if you're talking lunch. Good. Use up some of those sick days, but save some. We could only stockpile 90, but that was more than enough - the most I ever needed at a time was 20. After that the school bought them with an annuity. Then they bought my 90 days at 65% of my current rate of pay when I retired. I bought a car - not new, but very nice.

I'm still here. The young doctor I talked to this morning feels that I may well have already had meningitis, but not a bad case based on my symptoms and timing. He said the only way to be sure is the two blood tests and a spinal tap. That's not going to happen. Blood tests are fine, but no spinal tap. The news today is that because fungal meningitis is slower growing than bacterial the incubation will be extended to several months. Grrr. I feel for the people who had the injection more recently and are worriers, which I am not.

I don't like the backing I bought for the quilt, but it's what a have so I will use it. It's in the washer now, so I'd better go put the borders on the quilt.
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