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Old 02-03-2008, 11:02 AM
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Originally Posted by joannl
My second thought about this is to have your doctor check your b cell count. My husband actually has CVID (common variable immuno deficiency) which means his immune system is compromised & the symptoms are similar to celiac disease. Because his correct diagnosis was delayed he has a great many health problems, extremely low bone density, lung, liver & digestive tract problems to name just a few.
The test for b cell count is a simple, inexpensive blood test but CVID goes undiagnosed quite often because it is somewhat uncommon. {makes you wonder why they call it COMMON variable immuno deficiency, doesn't it!?]
If you remember David, the boy in the bubble back in the 70's you will get a better idea of what I'm referring to, his case was extreme in that both his b cells & his t cells were nonexistent.
Anyway, I hope all goes well for you.
I am definitely interested in having this test done. I also have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrom and my immune system is a joke. I do remember the boy in the bubble (played by John Travolta) and my husband commonly jokes that he is going to buy a bubble for me & calls me Bubble Girl. I can't even go to Walmart without some snot nosed kid making me sick. The blood test for Celiac Disease came back negative on me (which can happen) so they did a genetic test. Two parts of the test - one came back negative and one came back positive. The answer thus is inconclusive, though I have every symptom. Since the genetic test was supposed to prove it one way or the other, I can tell you I'm a bit fed up with doctors. I think most of the time they just guess at stuff and I'm tired of paying for results that are not conclusive. Yet a simple blood test is easy and I can have that done fairly soon. I'll have to let you know what the doctor says.
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